Wednesday, 18 December 2013

How to pass a hair follicle drug test

How to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test Easily?

Drug test is now common exercise in various places from schools to workplaces to roads and other several places. Initially, urine test was common for drug screening but it is true that it was tedious and sometimes impossible.
Take for instance it is practically hard and even impossible to ask for a urine sample from every driver on the road for drug screening. Besides, many drug users are now up for the challenge using formulated products that mask the appearance of drugs in the system.

This has resulted to severe cases of drug abuse to go undetected.

Hair follicle drug testing is actually the latest type of drug testing that is considered more effective and sensitive to detecting the presence of drugs in the system unlike sweat, urine and saliva tests. Many say that is hard to mask drugs in the system when hair follicle drug test is carried on you but is this really true that you can never pass a hair follicle drug test undetected?

It is true that the effectiveness of this type of test must have made you panic in case you are expecting it soon. Let this test not hinder you from achieving the intended success in your life such as getting a job or winning a legal case against you. It is just simple if you follow the information below to avoid drug detection in your system.

When will you take the drug test?
This is the first thing you need to know. It is true that many employers will need to screen you of any drugs in the system before hiring you or even before compensating you after an accident in the workplace. Because drug testing laws differ from one country or state to another, it is crucial that you dug deep into your countries and more specifically your company’s drug testing policy.

Which drugs are mostly tested?
Usually many companies test for presence of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, opium, codeine, alcohol, phencyclidine, marijuana and hash among several others.

Which additional drugs may be tested?
Besides the above drugs, there are other drugs which the employer may decide to screen according to their discretion. This is mostly for private employers who do not necessarily have to follow the SAMHSA guidelines. Some of the drugs that can be tested in this category are such as Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates and Methadone among others.

Which drugs are not usually tested?
These are the rarely tested drugs. They include inhalants, hallucinogens and anabolic steroids among others.

How does a hair follicle drug test work?
This is the most crucial part you need to know if you want to pass the drug test. Active chemicals in drugs usually circulate through the body and after sometime, they and other chemicals produced by the body as it processes the drug accumulate around the hair follicles. The chemicals will get deposited in the hair strands as they grow.

Hair follicle drug tests thus look for these chemicals in the hair. Basically, hair takes a week of growth before the chemicals are detected. This means that the most recent drugs will not be detected.

Immediately Stop Using Any Drug
This should be immediate as you learn of a hair follicle drug test will be carried out on you. Because hair follicle drug tests can detect drugs in your system for up to 90 days back, it is advisable that you stop taking any drug even before you start looking for a job.

It is actually possible to pass any drug test if you learn it in advance. If it gets you unawares, shaving your hair is helpful but simply quitting drug use for some time before the test will greatly help you avoid any drug chemicals detected in your system.

Do not risk your position at your workplace or reduces chances of you securing a promotion because of availability of drug chemicals in your system. This information is crucial to help you easily pass a hair follicle drug test.

For More Information Visit At Home Drug Test

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