House safety includes protecting house from burglary, keep it safe from fires or other accidents, and if you have got any pets, to make some arrangements for them. The best way to make arrangements for your pets is to talk with your neighbors, friends or relatives if they are willing to take care of them while you are away. Some of them may agree but they might not know how to take proper care of them. This could be because they never kept any pets and they don't know when and what to feed them etc.
So, you might want to write down on a piece of paper and hand it over to them. You should write details of what the pets eat and what foods to not give them. Also write the times of day they have to be fed and how much. Mention other things like their personal hygiene tips etc.
In order to avoid any unwanted accidents you should also keep in mind to turn off water supply while leaving house to avoid flooding of the house in case of pipe breaking down or something. Unplug computers, TV or any other electronic or electric devices. Check your gas oven and heaters. Turn them off. It is better to completely switch off electricity to be on the safer side.
You also need to make sure the doors and windows are properly locked and tightly shut. You might want to talk with your neighbors and ask them to lookout your house while you are away. Or you might want to hire security companies who offer some protection packages for a few days or weeks while you are away. Visit our site for more tips and information about house care. We specialize in and sell folding patio doors.
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