Monday, 15 July 2013

Does Garcinia Cambogia Work for Weight Loss?

Have you heard of Garcinia Cambogia? It is a plant extract from Indonesia. It is a small fruit which has a similar shape as pumpkin. It is also called tamarind. This fruit is used in many gravies and even chutneys in India and other South Asian countries. This ingredient is added to many dishes. Does garcinia cambogia work for weight loss? Lets find out...

In some villages in Malaysia, garcinia is used as an ingredient in making soup that is eaten before meals in order to suppress appetite and help in weight reduction. Garcinia cambogia is considered one of the cheapest herbal supplements in the market for weight reduction. This ingredient which is taken from the rind of the fruit could speed up the weight loss efforts.

People who binge eat and are emotional eaters might also benefit from eating Garcinia. It may help in improving their mood and regularizing their sleeping patterns. HCA is present in Garcinia which aids in weight loss. HCA stands for hydroxycitric acid and it blocks the fat as well as suppresses appetite. Thus it helps in weight loss in 2 ways.

Citrate lyase is an enzyme in the human body which is required to convert carbohydrates into fat. HCA present in Garcinia can block this enzyme and thus help in minimizing fat accumulation in the body.

Another thing which HCA does in the body is that it increases serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the human brain and it makes us feel good and improves our mood. Thus, increased levels of serotonin can make you feel good and avoid binge eating. Low levels of serotonin can cause people to feel depressed or worried. Depressed people usually resort to emotional eating and thus they may gain a lot of unwanted weight.

However, you need to be careful while purchasing Garcinia Cambogia extract. There are many fake supplements and unnatural supplements in the market. You should go for pure Garcinia cambogia as well as avoid any unnatural things. There may be some side effects associated with garcinia. So, you better consult with your doctor first to know what kind of dose to take and what things to avoid etc.

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